Please use the below link to pay for the registration for each individual you are registering for the conference. You will need to complete the payment and registration form for each individual separately to ensure each person receives the appropriate CEUs. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for joining us at the conference and we look forward to seeing you there!
June 13th and June 14th, 2024
At the Ingleside Hotel
Pewaukee, WI
Thursday, June 13th
8:15 am Welcome
8:30 am to 11:45 am Dr. Drew Kingston
Evidence Based Treatment of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder: A Strengths Based Approach
Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) has been incorporated into the ICD-11 as an impulse control disorder and is characterized by a persistent pattern of failure to control intense, repetitive sexual impulses or urges resulting from repetitive sexual behavior. CSBD has been consistently embedded in etiological models of sexually aggressive behavior and is associated with sexual recidivism. CSBD is riddled with problems that range from global issues about its core theoretical conceptualization to specific issues about the content and structure of the scales used to measure it. Moreover, there is a notable lack of evidence-based, manualized, interventions for individuals with CSBD. In this seminar, I present new data relevant to the assessment and treatment of CSBD among individuals convicted of sexual offending and present a new, evidence-informed treatment manual. Workshop participants will be provided a rational for our treatment approach as well as a detailed examination of the contents and interventions presented in the manual. Outcome data will also be presented.
Drew Kingston received his doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Ottawa and completed his residency at the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. He is a registered psychologist in the province of Ontario and is a licensed psychologist in the state of California. He is currently the Executive Clinical Director and Director of Research of the HOPE program, a state-wide agency that provides assessment and treatment services to individuals who have come into contact with the law due to sexual aggression and atypical sexual interests. Dr. Kingston is also Senior Scientist at the Royal Ottawa Hospital’s Institute of Mental Health Research and an adjunct clinical professor in the department of Psychiatry at McMaster University. Dr. Kingston was also awarded the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers’ Early Career Research Award and has been designated a fellow of the ATSA organization. Most recently, he served as co-chair of the 40th Annual ATSA Conference. Dr. Kingston is an ad-hoc reviewer for many journals and is on the editorial boards of the Archives of Sexual Behavior and Sexual Abuse. Dr. Kingston has published more than 65 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in the areas of serious mental illness, hypersexuality, paraphilic disorders, the impact of pornography on sexual aggression, and the sexual offence cycle.
11:45 am to 12:45 pm Lunch and Annual Wi-ATSA Chapter Meeting
If you are a member of Wi-ATSA, plan to attend our chapter meeting. There will be a financial report and updates about what the chapter did over the past year. Elections for board members are this year, so come here from board members seeking re-election and individuals who want to join the board. There will also be a prize drawing for those who attend.
Not a member of Wi-ATSA? Consider joining for a great opportunity to network with individuals in the field. Membership is free to everyone who is an ATSA member. For more information about how to become an ATSA member, go to their website
12:45 pm to 1:45 pm Dr. Norma Garza
Racial and Ethnic Differences on Dynamic and Static Scores
Comprehensive evaluations for individuals who have sexually offended usually include both static and dynamic factors in risk assessments. Risk assessments in court proceedings involving sexual offenses are used and validated more often in non-Hispanic White samples compared to other populations such as Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous samples. It is important to know if scores on risk assessments systematically vary by race or ethnicity since these instruments have large implications for the confinement and treatment of those who commit sexual offenses. There is clear evidence that both total and item scores on static risk assessments vary by race.
Dr. Garza has her Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology. She currently works at the Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center.
2:00 to 4:15 Dr. Emily Baxter
We are all Criminals: Punishment, Privilege and Mercy in the Era of Mass Incarceration
We Are All Criminals is a catalyst for conversations about crime, privilege, punishment, and second chances. One in four people in the US has a criminal record; four in four have a criminal history. Through stories, statutes, and statistics, we’ll examine the disparate impact of the criminal and juvenile justice systems on people of color and poor people across the country. Using first-person narratives and compelling photography, we’ll look at how each of us is more than our mistakes, more than our worst moments.
Emily Baxter, Executive Director of We Are All Criminals: Emily is the founder and director of We Are All Criminals (WAAC), a photo and story-based catalyst for conversations about race, class, privilege, and punishment. Prior to this, Emily served as the director of advocacy and public policy at the Council on Crime and Justice and as an assistant public defender representing members of the Leech Lake and White Earth Bands of Ojibwe. She is also the former executive director of the North Carolina Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. She is an attorney, advocate, and photographer working with families, community groups, and national organizations to highlight injustices and amplify the voices and stories of people most impacted by our criminal legal system.
Friday, June 14th
8:30 am to 11:45 am Dr. Judith Zatkin
Bringing Prevention to Your Career and Your Community
This session will allow attendees to learn how to integrate primary prevention into their careers and communities. We will discuss best practices in prevention science, such as current public health models of prevention, successful prevention-based interventions, and emerging trends in the prevention field. Also discussed will be ways in which any attendee can incorporate bite-sized doses of prevention discussion into their work or their communities. Attendees will leave having created their own, personalized Prevention Toolbox, which will include strategies that they can incorporate into their work or their communities.
Judith Zatkin, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Social and Community Psychology at Bemidji State University in Minnesota. Her research interests surround community approaches to prevention of the perpetration of sexual violence in organizational settings. Dr. Zatkin regularly teaches courses about psychology of gender, sexuality, and sexual violence prevention. She also serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA) and chairs the ATSA Prevention Committee.
11:45 am to 12:45 pm Lunch
12:45 pm to 2:15 pm The Rape Crisis Center (RCC)
Resources and Assistance for Victims of Sexual Violence
The Rape Crisis Center is dedicated to providing trauma informed, survivor-center advocacy and support. Our team of advocates are committed to empowering survivors and ensuring that they provide wrap-around services that address all needs as well as the societal factors that contribute to inequitable outcomes. All services are available by calling our helpline. Some examples of the services we provide include one-on-one emotional support, a survivor booklet that describes the process of reporting and prosecuting a sexual assault, a booklet for support people of survivors, medical and legal advocacy.
Dana Pellebon is the Executive Director of the RCC Sexual Violence Resource Center in Dane County. She also coordinates community partnerships for county-wide sexual assault victim services through the Sexual Assault Response Team, the Commission on Sensitive Crimes and the Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Coordinated Community Response Team.
Maureen Marshall, MS, LPC, SAC is the Director of Mental Health for the RCC Sexual Violence Resource Center. She has worked in the Madison area for 15 years. She works with children, adolescents, adults and families using a collaborative approach with clients to assess their mental health needs.
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm Detective Timothy Blanke and Detective Dritan Lazami
Long Term Sextortion Investigation
Detective Blanke will discuss the challenges of investigating a case when child victims are hesitant to participate, the challenges and opportunities when serving victims and the obstacles that need to be overcome in Internet investigations. To assist in his discussion, he will discuss a case from 2018 in which a parent found nude images on her teenage daughter’s phone. The child was reluctant to participate in the investigation. Using a trauma informed and victim centered approach, two suspects were brought to justice after a 3-year process which involved international prosecution.
Detective Blanke has been employed by Dane County since 2004. He is currently assigned to the Wisconsin Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. He is also a member of the Crisis Negotiation Team. Tim also handles all digital forensics for Dane County.
Detective Lazami was a Peace Officer in Macedonia from 2001 to 2011. During this period, he held several supervisory positions to include Leader of Sector (Equivalent to Sergeant), Commander of a Police Station, Assistant Chief of Police Department, and Upper Inspector for illicit trafficking of weapons, drugs, and explosives. He moved to live to the US in 2011 and has been with the Sheriff’s Office since September of 2013. He has been working as a detective who investigates human trafficking since July of 2022.
The fee for the conference is $299. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days.
Rooms have been reserved at the Ingleside Hotel 2810 Golf Road Pewaukee, WI 53072. Call 1-800-247-6640 and tell them you would like to reserve a room for the WI-ATSA conference.
Please register by clicking on the following link:
Continuing Education Credits
Attendance for both days of the conference will earn an attendee 12 Continuing Education Hours (CEH). CEH are provided by SOCCPN.