When: June 20, 2025
Where: Ingleside Hotel https://www.theinglesidehotel.com/
This workshop begins with a comprehensive 101-level overview of the BDSM community, its practices, nuances, and mental health needs. We will discuss the role that social media, technology, and online erotica play in the lives and relationships of kink-identified people and the unique concerns that these bring up for many of our clients. From there, we will explore how to conduct a kink-affirming risk assessment, including diagnostic criteria and exclusions, the impact of anti-kink bias on clinical assessments, and when and how to diagnose a paraphilic disorder. Attendees will gain a working knowledge of how to provide affirming and inclusive mental health care to BDSM practitioners. This talk contains content that is not graphic, but which some folks may find uncomfortable.
8:00am -10:15am Kink Cultural Competency 101
10:15-10:30am Break
10:30am -12:00pm Securing Sexuality: Re-Wiring Our Most Intimate Connections
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm – 2:00pm BDSM and Pornography: A Culturally Competent Approach
2:30pm -2:45pm Break
2:45pm- 4:00pm Kink-Affirming Risk Assessment